Let Go of Perfectionism & Embrace This Instead

Ella Ayana
1 min readMar 9, 2021

Unconditional acceptance, love, and accountability for yourself.

  1. ) Accept that you are human.
  2. ) Accept that you have, do, and will mess up.
  3. ) Embrace a culture of talking about it, owning up to it, and apologizing when you’ve messed up. (see: How to Apologize Without Being an A**hole About It)
  4. ) You have to love yourself enough to see that you are worthy of love and forgiveness.
  5. ) You are not a shame monster who deserves to be punished internally for all eternity.
  6. ) Let go of all the ideals that society has placed on you.
  7. ) Breathe.
  8. ) Tell yourself “I’m worthy. I’m lovable. I’m okay. I’m capable.”
  9. ) If you don’t believe that, reflect on where you received the messages that you are supposedly “not enough”. These messages can come from anywhere and everywhere. Your upbringing, the media, your workplace, your immediate surroundings/culture etc.
  10. ) Write down exactly where these messages are coming from.
  11. ) Look at this piece of paper and go “All these things are outside of me and do not reflect my inherent, irremovable internal self-worth.”
  12. ) Carry yourself as someone who loves and respects themselves.
  13. ) Accept that sometimes you will act in ways that are not-so-lovely. That’s okay. Repeat. Go back to Step 1. :)

